Writing — a perfect storm of risks.

This blog concerns itself with many different subjects, from exercise to photography to music to faith.  But mainly, it focuses on writing.  Whether or not the subject is about writing, what you find here is expressed through a writer's…

What does THAT mean?

Mt. Lemon, Tucson, AZ. Why the title, "A Write Smart"?In the Appalachian Mountains, the phrase "a right smart" is an expression of quantity rather than intelligence. It means "a lot."  Examples:  "How much corn has Erlie got this year? …

We need more John Adamses

I have recently finished watching the HBO series "John Adams," and I feel equal parts embarrassed, ashamed, inspired, blessed, cursed, ecstatic, and saddened. What has our country come to? It's not a political comment.  What I'm talking…

Of all the gall!

Last weekend, Sam was out riding his bike in the cul-de-sac and driveway.  Suddenly, he burst in the front door and ran up to me, obviously distressed."Dad!" he said.  "Guess what!?""What, Sam, What?  Slow down and catch your breath.""Okay,"…