035: Image is everything — even for moms and dads
Children, Dads, Observations, Podcast Episode, Season 1What is the image you project to the outside world? How we choose to see ourselves is pretty much how we act and how the world views us, so choose wisely!

025: My Top 6 Reasons Why Sending Your Kid to College is Weird and Unsettling
Children, Lists, Podcast Episode, Season 1Of the many milestones in the life of a parent, sending your kid to college ranks high in terms of both pride and angst. In other words, it will freak you the hell out. Here are my top 6 reasons why.

Holding Out Hope
Children, Dads, FaithMost parents aren't professional child-rearing experts with advanced degrees in child psychology. Parents are just people. And just when you think parenting can’t get any more difficult or confusing, it does.

My Top 10 Dad Tips for Incoming College Freshmen
Children, Dads, ListsIn a few short weeks, our oldest son, Sam, will be heading off to college. It’s one of those huge milestones in the life of both child and parent, and everybody is just a little freaked out.
My do-gooder wife, Holly, is freaked out over…

The Top 10 Awkward Pre-School Moments for Dads
Children, Dads, ListsFatherhood is a lot easier in theory than in practice.
Prior to actually meeting and interacting with their first kid, most first-time fathers imagine themselves as a combination of Sheriff Andy Taylor from “The Andy Griffith Show” and…

Kid's Electronics Christmas Contract
Children, Christmas, Dads, Observations(Updated from 12-2012)
Since first publishing this Kid's Electronics Christmas Contract in 2012, I've been delighted but not necessarily surprised at how many nervous parents have downloaded it. We're all in this child-rearing boat together,…

The Top 6 Ways to Cope When Your Teenager Drives Solo the First Time
Children, Dads, ListsThe day that your teenager gets their driver’s license and drives a substantial distance solo for the first time is interesting for a parent. There are other adjectives I could’ve chosen other than “interesting.” Appropriate choices would also be horrifying, terrifying, nauseating, and post-traumatic-stress inducing.

The Tooth Fairy: What the Heck Were We Thinking?
Children, DadsThere are several culturally sanctioned lies we tell our children. Y’know, things that are clearly made-up and not true. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, “We'll take a vacation to Disney World one summer soon,” are all examples. These fibs are fun and well-meaning, but untruths nonetheless. Don’t worry, I’m not judging. I’m all for them and participate enthusiastically. Of the Tooth Fairy, however, I’m not a huge fan. The concept that a supernatural being — perhaps a tiny, sparkly woman with wings — flutters into a child’s bedroom late at night, collects the still-bloody, newly extracted tooth from directly underneath the kid’s head, and replaces it with quite real currency…well... It’s just weird.

The Top 6 Ways for Dads to Avoid Pissing Off Their Teenaged Daughters
Children, Dads, ListsFew things in life are more confusing and scary for a dad than a teenaged daughter. It's just true.
When our daughters are cooing babies, Dads develop an idealistic fantasy that the father/daughter bond will strengthen into one of those “You…

The Top 11 Things Every First-Time Dad Should Know
Children, Dads, ListsAs a wildly experienced father of three who is a master of every parenting nuance, I felt it was time for me to impart some of my wisdom to all you new daddies out there. Upon the birth of a first child, we all feel a little unprepared (slang for completely freaked out of our minds) and it helps to have access to a little friendly advice, even from a doofus.