Epic Disney trip video goes viral
Well, doofusdad.com readers, this is a tale of the unexpected. Late last week, I uploaded the little video I made of our Disney trip to YouTube simply so I could embed it into my recent post, The Top 9 Tips/Observations from a Disney First-Timer. I…

The Top 9 Tips/Observations of a Disney First-Timer
Children, Lists, Observations
On Feb. 21, 2016, my family embarked on an earth-shattering, mind-bending, week-long, first-time-ever vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth: Disney World. It is now about a week and a half since we returned, and I'm writing the blog that…

The Top 10 Christmas Shows, period, the end.
Children, Christmas, Faith, Lists, Observations
If you're like me, you don't need any help deciding which Christmas shows to watch. You know what you like and what you don't.
So why would you come here to read my "Top 10 Christmas Shows, period, the end"? Easy. So you can either…

Ava's Zamperini speech
ChildrenAfter winning the 4-H Public Speaking competition in her school club, my 10-year-old daughter, Ava, competed Thursday night (12/13) in the Rutherford County competition. Much to my surprise and delight, she chose Louis Zamperini as her topic.…

Sugar pushes buttons
Children, Health and fitness, Observations
Tuesday night, I wrote a post about how America indoctrinates our children into the Sugar Culture from the word go. I really didn't expect the post to generate much interest.
Boy, was I off.
Now granted, my blog page is still in its…

I know you're just trying to be nice. Don't.
Children, Health and fitness, Observations
I know you're just trying to be nice. I know you're just trying to be neighborly.
But please keep the candy to yourself. Don't put me in the position of saying no to my kids after they've displayed good manners at the hair place or…

10 things for which I'm thankful. No, really.
Children, Lists, Observations, WritingToday is Thanksgiving, and here are some things for which I am thankful:
I'm thankful that the Titans are so bad this year. Time normally devoted to watching games is now directed to more educational programming, like "Breaking Amish,"…

A walk in God's house
Children, Faith
How long has it been since you took a simple walk?
I think there is more benefit in the act of putting one foot in front of the other than we may realize. This isn't about physical fitness. It's about mental and spiritual…

Of all the gall!
ChildrenLast weekend, Sam was out riding his bike in the cul-de-sac and driveway. Suddenly, he burst in the front door and ran up to me, obviously distressed."Dad!" he said. "Guess what!?""What, Sam, What? Slow down and catch your breath.""Okay,"…