035: Image is everything — even for moms and dads
Children, Dads, Observations, Podcast Episode, Season 1What is the image you project to the outside world? How we choose to see ourselves is pretty much how we act and how the world views us, so choose wisely!

032: The decline of the American TV father and the rise of 'Doofus Dad'
Dads, Podcast Episode, Season 1There are a few reasons I named this blog "Doofus Dad" and they're not all about self-deprecating humor. The American view of fatherhood isn't what it was during the days of "The Andy Griffith Show."

Why 'Jaws' is the greatest dad movie of my generation
Dads, ObservationsOne of the appealing aspects of living in the modern age of Western entertainment is when a particular film, TV show, or song becomes woven into your life. I don’t mean it’s simply something you recall from your past. I mean, it actively…

Holding Out Hope
Children, Dads, FaithMost parents aren't professional child-rearing experts with advanced degrees in child psychology. Parents are just people. And just when you think parenting can’t get any more difficult or confusing, it does.

My Top 8 Reasons Why Clark Griswold is the Quintessential Doofus Dad
Christmas, Dads, ListsAs is tradition — mine and everyone else’s — I recently watched “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” again for the 1,824th time.
Watching a movie or TV show repeatedly like that has its pros and cons. The main con is that you…

11 awesome reasons why you should embark on an adventure travel trip as soon as possible
Dads, ListsThe concept of "adventure travel" is a relatively recent trend that is gaining in popularity among Americans. It is loosely defined as a trip to an exotic locale where at least part of your agenda involves physical activity like hiking, climbing,…

A Walmart horror story
DadsThe man felt weak. Exhausted.
Artificial light radiated down from twenty feet above, sucking his life force away and dispersing it harmlessly among the dusty rafters of the enormous building.
He propped his forearms on the curved handle of…

My Top 10 Dad Tips for Incoming College Freshmen
Children, Dads, ListsIn a few short weeks, our oldest son, Sam, will be heading off to college. It’s one of those huge milestones in the life of both child and parent, and everybody is just a little freaked out.
My do-gooder wife, Holly, is freaked out over…

Doofus Dad's Foolproof Guide to Setting Up a Home Office
Dads, Observations, WorkSome types of jobs lend themselves to home-based offices while others do not. For example, if your goal is to make your living as a copywriter or an e-marketer, home-based work is a great option. All you need is a laptop computer, an empty lap,…

The Top 10 Awkward Pre-School Moments for Dads
Children, Dads, ListsFatherhood is a lot easier in theory than in practice.
Prior to actually meeting and interacting with their first kid, most first-time fathers imagine themselves as a combination of Sheriff Andy Taylor from “The Andy Griffith Show” and…