I wanna be Dick Proenneke when I grow up
Dads, Health and fitness, Observations
"Alone in the Wilderness," the documentary about Alaskan naturalist Richard "Dick" Proenneke (pronounced prin-uh-key) is one of the most remarkable films ever made, in my estimation.
Yes, I know that's an ambitious statement, but I stand…

Sugar pushes buttons
Children, Health and fitness, Observations
Tuesday night, I wrote a post about how America indoctrinates our children into the Sugar Culture from the word go. I really didn't expect the post to generate much interest.
Boy, was I off.
Now granted, my blog page is still in its…

I know you're just trying to be nice. Don't.
Children, Health and fitness, Observations
I know you're just trying to be nice. I know you're just trying to be neighborly.
But please keep the candy to yourself. Don't put me in the position of saying no to my kids after they've displayed good manners at the hair place or…

Top 11 Reasons to Deadlift in Cross-training
Health and fitness
Let’s be honest. To much of the athletic world, deadlifts are the Rodney Dangerfield of bar movements.
They are unglamorous. They aren’t particularly dramatic to the untrained eye. They seem rather brutish and utilitarian.

Top 11 things a Warrior Dash virgin should know
Health and fitness, Lists
You’ve seen the pictures on Facebook. You’ve heard the stories from your buddies. You may have even seen reports from local news stations.
Enough is enough. You’re ready to tackle the Warrior Dash.

Food: The unending conversation
Health and fitnessWhen you boil it all down, there are really only three things that matter in human life: faith, reproduction, and food.When it comes to discussing these three things — the only three things that matter in human life, mind you — there are…