034: The Top 5 ways to know you're too political
Lists, Podcast Episode, Season 1If you have a scowl on your face every time you look in the mirror, and you're losing friends on social media at an alarming rate, there might be a problem. You may be too political. Here's a surefire way to find out.

027: My Top 12 Reasons Why I Hate CrossFit, Version 2.0
Health and fitness, Lists, Podcast Episode, Season 1This is the podcast version of my most popular blog post to date, written seven years ago this month. I've updated it to reflect my current situation, but all the good stuff is still there. If you either love CrossFit, love to make fun of CrossFit, or just love to make fun of anything, you'll enjoy it.

026: My Top 10 Areas Where American Common Sense has Gone AWOL
Lists, Observations, Podcast Episode, Season 1The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines common sense as, quote, “sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts” unquote. OK. That’s pretty good but let me amend that with an even simpler definition: Common sense means not being a dumbass. Not being a dumbass is in short supply these days. Here's what your Great-Grandpa and I think about things.

025: My Top 6 Reasons Why Sending Your Kid to College is Weird and Unsettling
Children, Lists, Podcast Episode, Season 1Of the many milestones in the life of a parent, sending your kid to college ranks high in terms of both pride and angst. In other words, it will freak you the hell out. Here are my top 6 reasons why.

PODCAST VERSION: Doofus Dad’s Top 9 Handy & Useful Tricks for Dealing with the Coronavirus
Lists, Season 1
Blog Version: Doofus Dad’s Top 9 Handy & Useful Tricks for Dealing with the Coronavirus
Health and fitness, Lists, ObservationsDisclaimer: The following is me poking fun of something that is clearly serious and bad. I am aware that it is serious and bad, but choose to poke fun at it anyway because, well, I need to. You have now been legally disclaimed.
As I write…

My Top 8 Reasons Why Clark Griswold is the Quintessential Doofus Dad
Christmas, Dads, ListsAs is tradition — mine and everyone else’s — I recently watched “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” again for the 1,824th time.
Watching a movie or TV show repeatedly like that has its pros and cons. The main con is that you…

11 awesome reasons why you should embark on an adventure travel trip as soon as possible
Dads, ListsThe concept of "adventure travel" is a relatively recent trend that is gaining in popularity among Americans. It is loosely defined as a trip to an exotic locale where at least part of your agenda involves physical activity like hiking, climbing,…

My Top 10 Dad Tips for Incoming College Freshmen
Children, Dads, ListsIn a few short weeks, our oldest son, Sam, will be heading off to college. It’s one of those huge milestones in the life of both child and parent, and everybody is just a little freaked out.
My do-gooder wife, Holly, is freaked out over…

The Top 10 Awkward Pre-School Moments for Dads
Children, Dads, ListsFatherhood is a lot easier in theory than in practice.
Prior to actually meeting and interacting with their first kid, most first-time fathers imagine themselves as a combination of Sheriff Andy Taylor from “The Andy Griffith Show” and…