Doofus Dad's Foolproof Guide to Setting Up a Home Office
Dads, Observations, WorkSome types of jobs lend themselves to home-based offices while others do not. For example, if your goal is to make your living as a copywriter or an e-marketer, home-based work is a great option. All you need is a laptop computer, an empty lap,…

Kid's Electronics Christmas Contract
Children, Christmas, Dads, Observations(Updated from 12-2012)
Since first publishing this Kid's Electronics Christmas Contract in 2012, I've been delighted but not necessarily surprised at how many nervous parents have downloaded it. We're all in this child-rearing boat together,…

My Top 10 Reasons Why Bohemian Rhapsody Might Be the Greatest Rock Song Ever
Lists, Music, ObservationsWhen word began spreading across social media that a biopic was being made about Queen singer Freddie Mercury, I was excited. It seemed to have the makings of something great and any movie that takes me back to the ‘70s is OK by me. (It is…

Be like Firestone
ObservationsNote: Occasionally, I break down and write a serious post. Please don't hold this against me. And also be aware that I have no affiliation with Firestone Auto Care in any way.
The word is often overlooked in these…

The Curse of the Common Name
ObservationsAfter completing some exhaustive scientific research (two minutes on my phone while in line at Starbucks), I've confirmed what I've always strongly suspected:
I have a very common name.
Over the past century, Mark is the 16th most common…

The Top 10 movie moments that make this Tough Guy weep
Lists, ObservationsI ran across one of my favorite movies, "The Natural," the other night, and as usual, got sucked in and watched the whole thing. I've probably seen it 35 times. As I found myself wiping away tears at the end, I landed on the idea to write this post.

Casting the first fly: Indoctrination on the Bighorn River
Observations, WritingCareful not to slip on the mossy rocks, I stepped into the water of the Bighorn River.
"Dang. This is cold."
My guide, Jerry Smalley, scoffed as he walked past me, his hands full of fly rods and gear.
"That water ain't cold," he said.…

The Top 9 Tips/Observations of a Disney First-Timer
Children, Lists, Observations
On Feb. 21, 2016, my family embarked on an earth-shattering, mind-bending, week-long, first-time-ever vacation at the Happiest Place on Earth: Disney World. It is now about a week and a half since we returned, and I'm writing the blog that…

And so that was Christmas...
Christmas, Observations
It's January 2 and Christmas is officially over.
It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't such an unceremonious ending. You've got four or five weeks of slowly climbing that first big hill of the rollercoaster — tick, tick, tick…

The Top 8 Reasons why Christmas in the '70s was Awesome
Christmas, Lists, Observations
It's no surprise that people tend to view the decade of their childhood as the best. As kids, we look at the world with innocence and wonder through formative eyes that are focused mostly on the good things in the world rather than the…