Why nature matters
Observations, Writing
It happens as we cruise through our 21st-century life, and it’s nobody’s fault in particular.
It happens while we spend eight hours a day in our brick office buildings, five days a week, most of a year;as we're driving our air-conditioned…

The Top 10 truths about winter storms in the South
Lists, Observations, Writing
We're going on Day 6 of the Great Wintery-Mix Storm of 2015. Because we're all essentially trapped in our homes, Americans on the lower-right side of the map have all taken to social media to air their witticisms and smart-aleck remarks…

What the movie "Unbroken" meant for me
Faith, Observations
My fascination with Louie Zamperini has finally come full circle. I went to the movie "Unbroken" last night.
I'm not going to revisit the details of my personal interaction with the WWII hero here, but the nutshell is that I met and…

The Great Zamperini and me
Faith, Observations
If you've followed me for a while, you've probably seen me mention Louis "Louie" Zamperini, the WWII hero and subject of the new movie, "Unbroken," directed by Angelina Jolie. Like millions of other people, I was captivated by Laura Hillenbrand's…

The Top 10 Christmas Shows, period, the end.
Children, Christmas, Faith, Lists, Observations
If you're like me, you don't need any help deciding which Christmas shows to watch. You know what you like and what you don't.
So why would you come here to read my "Top 10 Christmas Shows, period, the end"? Easy. So you can either…

The Top 10 Things I'm Offended, Shocked, and/or Outraged By, 2.0
Lists, Observations
I'm updating this blog a bit in light of the latest explosion of social media outrage. I'll write something entirely new for the next round of outrage, which I'm sure will be coming in, like, five minutes from now.
In the United States,…

Is Crossfit a "white people fad"?
Health and fitness, Observations
A few days ago, I received this response to my blog, "The Top 12 Reasons Why this 47-Year-Old HATES Crossfit."
While it seemed like a strange comment for that particular blog, I thought it was a fair question.
Who wants to respond…

Top 5 Passage-of-Time Discrepancies Related to Crossfit
Health and fitness, Lists, Observations
I think I may actually be a science genius.
I make this bold statement because I've taken notice of a strange discrepancy in the natural laws of time and space. There are some activities in life, I've deciphered using scientific method,…

First 'Unbroken' trailer has me FREAKED OUT, period.
Faith, ObservationsThis is more of a heads-up than a real blog.
In perusing Facebook as a defense mechanism to "The Bachelor," to which my wife and daughter are hopelessly addicted and currently watching on DVR, I just ran across this, the first trailer…

Crossfit and aging: The value is in the TRYING
Health and fitness, Observations
On August 27 of 2013, I wrote a satirical blog called “Top 12 Reasons Why This 47-year-old HATES Crossfit.” It wasn't any big statement, but just an attempt to crack up my wife, which is the goal of the majority of my writing. As…