Top 9 reasons why I should be the 'Face of Crossfit' instead of Rich Froning
Health and fitness, Lists, Observations, WritingSo Froning is essentially the “Face of Crossfit." The Reebok/Crossfit people must be living charmed lives, because Froning is handsome, articulate, funny, and by all accounts, a very nice guy. However, I’ve given this some serious thought, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I, Mark Johnson, would be a better “Face of Crossfit" than Mr. Froning. Here are the top 9 reasons why.

A Write Smart hits 100K!
Health and fitness, Observations, Writing
Well, I’ve got a right smart of friends, and this proves it! Thanks to an incredible community of über-creative readers who enjoy hard workouts, great writing (not mine, necessarily), a little satire (mostly mine), and laughing their…

My Top 6 Driving Idiots
Lists, ObservationsThe older I get, the more I realize that my own thoughts and experiences aren't as unique as I once believed. In fact, I've decided that most everybody thinks pretty much the same thoughts. All day long we're thinking the same stuff while we each think we're thinking different stuff. Know what I mean? With that in mind, I wondered if you have some of the same driving pet peeves as me. I bet you do. I know this because I suspect you're like me — a considerate driver whose goal is to navigate the human legion of ignoramuses each morning and evening without making a trip to the body shop or hospital. So in ascending order of malfeasance, here's my list of the Top 6 Driving Idiots.

10 things you should know before visiting Nashville
I've lived in Middle Tennessee 23 years, since 1990. Next year (2014), my Tennessee total will constitute half of my life, since I'll be 48 then. So while I'm not a native, I've been around here long enough to be dangerous.
Over the…

That first step is a doozy
Observations, Writing
Well, you can't say it hasn't been an interesting week.
Tuesday morning, March 26, I was awakened not by my alarm clock, but by three mini-ninjas creeping into our quite-dark bedroom and pile-driving me to the strains of "Happy Birthday."…

Coffee karma
Faith, Observations
In my Dec. 18 blog, "What to do about it," I offered several simple ways for us to get our minds off the Sandy Hook tragedy, like purchasing coffee for the person behind you in a Starbuck's drive-thru. Holly and I did this several times…

The Smart Phone-omenon
The "Smart Phone-omenon," as I call it, is more about behavior and less about technology. There are plenty of good things about smart phones.
They keep us in touch with our loved ones.
They provide a added level of safety during…

I wanna be Dick Proenneke when I grow up
Dads, Health and fitness, Observations
"Alone in the Wilderness," the documentary about Alaskan naturalist Richard "Dick" Proenneke (pronounced prin-uh-key) is one of the most remarkable films ever made, in my estimation.
Yes, I know that's an ambitious statement, but I stand…

It's official: I'm rich!
Great news to report! Today, I decided to take a closer look at the barrage of emails I've been receiving lately, and boy, am I glad I did — I appear to be filthy, stinkin' rich!
No more mortgages! No more 9-to-5 grind! No more…

What to do about it
Faith, Observations
Since Friday (Dec. 14, 2012), it's been the elephant in the room of our minds.
It won't go away. It's too horrible to look at directly, and it's too big to ignore. It is an foul, obnoxious, unwelcome houseguest that is draining the…