No color copiers
ObservationsI grumble as much as the next person — I admit it.
I often grumble about my job.
I don't like office politics. I'm not particularly fond of planting my butt in a swivel chair for eight or 10 hours at a time. No matter how much I…

To my fellow Bigfooters: Don't stop believin'!
Observations, Writing
OK, I'm gonna come right out with it.
I believe in Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti.
There you go. I said it. Hello, my name is Mark, and I believe in Bigfoot. (All together: Hello, Mark!)
From the infamous evening back in 1972 when…

Sugar pushes buttons
Children, Health and fitness, Observations
Tuesday night, I wrote a post about how America indoctrinates our children into the Sugar Culture from the word go. I really didn't expect the post to generate much interest.
Boy, was I off.
Now granted, my blog page is still in its…

I know you're just trying to be nice. Don't.
Children, Health and fitness, Observations
I know you're just trying to be nice. I know you're just trying to be neighborly.
But please keep the candy to yourself. Don't put me in the position of saying no to my kids after they've displayed good manners at the hair place or…

Consider the Chandlers
Faith, Observations, Writing
Today is Black Friday — the day after Thanksgiving — but despite the mad rush on shopping and advertising, I'm not ready to move on to Christmas just yet.
I posted something silly yesterday, but not today. This is something hopeful.…

10 things for which I'm thankful. No, really.
Children, Lists, Observations, WritingToday is Thanksgiving, and here are some things for which I am thankful:
I'm thankful that the Titans are so bad this year. Time normally devoted to watching games is now directed to more educational programming, like "Breaking Amish,"…

"Like wind through my hand"
Music, Observations, Writing
I think it's hard to overestimate the emotional power of music.
Not all music, mind you. And not all the time.
But given the right circumstance and frame of mind, a particular song or recording can really do a number on us.

Life is good
You'd think that, as a photographer, I'd have my camera at the ready always.
Problem is, I'm a daddy before a photographer, which means my priority is usually the logistics of transporting my family here and yonder on Sunday mornings.…

Crockett's death: What do YOU think?
I admit it. I’m “eat up” with David Crockett.
Since researching the five or so years that Crockett lived in the Belvidere area of Franklin County, Tenn., for a July, 2011, Cooperator story, I have become fascinated…

Don't fall victim to "It's not my time"
(Note: I wrote this two years ago, but I feel the sentiment is more important than ever. Carpe diem!)
Our 10-year-old daughter, Ava, learned how to ride a bike without training wheels this weekend.
Wow, you might be thinking. She's…