The Whip-poor-will Story
Faith, Observations
The year was 1981, and I was 15 years old. My dad and I had spent the day working on our Christmas tree farm at the base of Booger Mountain (in Taylorsville, N.C.) with two other hired hands — Randy and Jeff — who were both around…

In memory of my two favorite Andys
We didn't know them personally. We only knew the faces and the voices. They didn't know that we existed at all.
So why is it so dad-gummed sad?It's been a rough few months for me. As of last night, I've lost my two favorite…

Find your carnival ride
ObservationsCarnivals and amusement parks are some of the more interesting and enigmatic curiosities devised by the human brain. Why do we participate? Here's my guess.

It's different, but it's still America
ObservationsTennessee skies.Amazing that it's been 11 years. When planes started hitting buildings that morning, I wasn't sure that the world would still be here in 11 years. Frankly, it all didn't seem real. It was a movie, a Bruce Willis blockbuster.…

Art worth NOT losing.
ObservationsReadying for the state fair.My first story of this deadline will be about country ham. Yes, you read that correctly. Country ham.4-H'ers in Rutherford County, Tenn., have a country ham project group. My 11-year-old son, Sam, is a part…

Writing — a perfect storm of risks.
Observations, Writing
This blog concerns itself with many different subjects, from exercise to photography to music to faith. But mainly, it focuses on writing. Whether or not the subject is about writing, what you find here is expressed through a writer's…

We need more John Adamses
I have recently finished watching the HBO series "John Adams," and I feel equal parts embarrassed, ashamed, inspired, blessed, cursed, ecstatic, and saddened.
What has our country come to?
It's not a political comment. What I'm talking…