This year, Scrooge lives in my home
As I've said before, I try to be transparent and real in this blog. I've been debating writing this, but I think it might make me feel better, and I really need your help.
Here goes...
From my earliest memories, I've been…

Why nature matters
Observations, Writing
It happens as we cruise through our 21st-century life, and it’s nobody’s fault in particular.
It happens while we spend eight hours a day in our brick office buildings, five days a week, most of a year;as we're driving our air-conditioned…

Happy birthda !!!
Yesterday marked my sixth year of birthdays on Facebook. Dozens of friends, family members, and acquaintances saw my name in that little box in the right-hand column or were notified of my birthday and took the time to write me a birthday…

The Top 10 truths about winter storms in the South
Lists, Observations, Writing
We're going on Day 6 of the Great Wintery-Mix Storm of 2015. Because we're all essentially trapped in our homes, Americans on the lower-right side of the map have all taken to social media to air their witticisms and smart-aleck remarks…

Don't be an elitist; It's unbecoming
Lately, I've become weary of elitists. If you're one, I'm weary of you and I think I need you to go away for a while. But I'm going to assume that you're not one, so you can stay. Go ahead and sit back down.
What's my definition…

Top 9 reasons why I should be the 'Face of Crossfit' instead of Rich Froning
Health and fitness, Lists, Observations, WritingSo Froning is essentially the “Face of Crossfit." The Reebok/Crossfit people must be living charmed lives, because Froning is handsome, articulate, funny, and by all accounts, a very nice guy. However, I’ve given this some serious thought, and I’ve come to the conclusion that I, Mark Johnson, would be a better “Face of Crossfit" than Mr. Froning. Here are the top 9 reasons why.

Meme contest! 3, 2, 1...GO!
KairosStrength.com made a meme of sorts from a quote from "Top 12 Reasons…" Thanks, Kairos Strength!! My kids now think I'm the world's coolest dad. (This will quickly fade as soon as I make them unload the dishwasher or…

A Write Smart hits 100K!
Health and fitness, Observations, Writing
Well, I’ve got a right smart of friends, and this proves it! Thanks to an incredible community of über-creative readers who enjoy hard workouts, great writing (not mine, necessarily), a little satire (mostly mine), and laughing their…

Trail run - 1, Johnson - 0
Health and fitness, Writing
I awoke one Saturday morning in September, rolled over, grabbed my phone, and checked the Crossfit workout of the day.
"I ain't doing that #*$%," I believe were my first words of the day.
I'm not proud of the language nor do I condone…

That first step is a doozy
Observations, Writing
Well, you can't say it hasn't been an interesting week.
Tuesday morning, March 26, I was awakened not by my alarm clock, but by three mini-ninjas creeping into our quite-dark bedroom and pile-driving me to the strains of "Happy Birthday."…