Snow at Dave Greer Cabin
Creativity, WritingI just returned from my annual writing "sabbatical" at the 180-year-old Dave Greer Cabin — owned by my good friends, Jim and Sheryl Buck — in Pall Mall, Tenn. (You can rent this cabin. Click here or go to www.buckslodging.com.) I'll…

Larger than life
(Author's note: This story appeared in the Feb. 2012 issue of the Tennessee Cooperator.)
What Thomas “Bigfoot” Spencer lacked in historical staying power, he made up for in legendary adventure
It was probably the winter of…

"No color copiers" revisited
Several weeks ago, I wrote a post called "No color copiers" about a trip I made to Putnam County, Tenn., to conduct an interview with craftsman Joe Stout. As promised, here is the resulting story, published this month in the Tennessee…

Banish the editor
Creativity, Writing
At the risk of repeating myself, I'm going to repeat myself: I write this blog as much for me as for you.
I'm really not trying to be flippant. The fact is, it's often easier to recommend and even teach certain techniques than it…

"Lincoln" is simply amazing
Holly and I had the distinct pleasure of seeing the movie "Lincoln" over the Christmas break. I expected to be amazed and riveted.
I was.
I had heard enough about the movie already to know that it mainly concerns itself with the…

To my fellow Bigfooters: Don't stop believin'!
Observations, Writing
OK, I'm gonna come right out with it.
I believe in Bigfoot. Sasquatch. Yeti.
There you go. I said it. Hello, my name is Mark, and I believe in Bigfoot. (All together: Hello, Mark!)
From the infamous evening back in 1972 when…

Consider the Chandlers
Faith, Observations, Writing
Today is Black Friday — the day after Thanksgiving — but despite the mad rush on shopping and advertising, I'm not ready to move on to Christmas just yet.
I posted something silly yesterday, but not today. This is something hopeful.…

10 things for which I'm thankful. No, really.
Children, Lists, Observations, WritingToday is Thanksgiving, and here are some things for which I am thankful:
I'm thankful that the Titans are so bad this year. Time normally devoted to watching games is now directed to more educational programming, like "Breaking Amish,"…

"Like wind through my hand"
Music, Observations, Writing
I think it's hard to overestimate the emotional power of music.
Not all music, mind you. And not all the time.
But given the right circumstance and frame of mind, a particular song or recording can really do a number on us.

How to Journal: 6 Tips to Boost Creativity and Polish Your Writing
I like this article. I especially dig No. 3: "Capture snippets of overheard conversations to use as prompts for working on writing." What a great idea in this world of the coffee-shop workplace.
How to Journal: 6 Tips to Boost Creativity…