(Updated from 12-2012)

Since first publishing this Kid’s Electronics Christmas Contract in 2012, I’ve been delighted but not necessarily surprised at how many nervous parents have downloaded it. We’re all in this child-rearing boat together, after all. But I thought it was time for an update, so I’ve made a few minor adjustments. Feel free to use and distribute this contract freely, and please don’t give your kids my street address or phone number.

As a parent, I often find myself egregiously breaking the promises I made to myself back before I actually had little people who look like me living in my home.

For example, I swore that I would never let my kids succumb to the video game/electronics mania that, like a gluttonous snake, has slowly and methodically swallowed up our planet over the past two decades.

I should’ve known better than to swear.

As I’ve written about previously when describing the challenges of trying to teach my kids to avoid sugary foods, I’ve learned that American culture is more powerful than Dad.  This Christmas (2012), Santa brought our two older kids computer tablets, due mainly to the fact that it appears a word processor and the Internet are now necessary for fifth- and sixth-graders to complete their homework.  (Really.  I’m not making that up.)  But I decided I wouldn’t go down without a fight, so I drew up (lawyer speak) a contract for each kid to sign.

Feel free to steal this and modify it for your own hopelessly electronics-addicted family.  Click the image to get a nice, large version.

Here’s what it says:

To Whom it May Concern

Let it be known that on the day, December 25, ______, the following conditions were agreed upon by the undersigned
regarding the following gifts presented by Mr. Santa Claus, otherwise known as Kris Kringle, otherwise known as Saint Nicholas: ________________. (Henceforth, this will be referred to as the “device.”) Let it also be known that “The Parents” have been
awarded full Power of Attorney on behalf of Mr. Claus.

Conditions as follows must be agreed upon to complete transfer of all goods and services:

  1. The Device must be treated with the utmost of respect and care by The Kid.
  2. The Device found improperly stored, left in an unsafe location (e.g., on the floor, in the front yard, between the couch cushions, in a vehicle), or otherwise mistreated will be confiscated by The Parents for an indefinite period of time. The Parents may choose to spend this time playing with the device in plain sight of the offending Kid.
  3. Homework and/or household chores must be completed to The Parents satisfaction before device may be used for recreational purposes, period the end.
  4. The duration of play on The Device will be determined by and/or limited by The Parents. Ending time will be met with cheerful
    dispositions by The Kid. Whining and gnashing of teeth are not permitted.
  5. The Device must be surrendered to the care of The Parents upon demand of said Device, no questions asked.
  6. At NO TIME shall The Device leave the physical confines of the home without permission of The Parents.
  7. The contents of The Device (e.g., apps, downloads, browser history, etc.) may be inspected by The Parents at any time. If content is deemed inappropriate, The Parents may confiscate The Device for an indefinite period of time.
  8. The Kid may not download any content of any kind without prior consent from The Parents. Downloading unapproved content will result in loss of Device privileges.
  9. The Parents may confiscate The Device at any time for their personal use, no questions asked. The Kid may not whine, pout, sigh, stomp, make faces, or display any other outward expressions of displeasure. Doing so may result in even more time away from The Device, as determined by The Parents.
  10. Because The Device far exceeds the value and capabilities of items previously requested of Mr. Claus, The Kid must henceforth keep a cheerful disposition until the approximate age of 25, or until The Kid begins paying his/her own insurance. Evidence to the contrary will result in loss of privileges and/or confiscation of The Device.

(Update as of 12/22/14:  Both iPads have been confiscated at various times due to a breech of contract since I first posted this in 2012.  In fact, one iPad is behind lock and key as I type.  Lesson?  Keep a copy of this contract handy, because you’re going to need it.)


Click for a downloadable version.

9 replies
  1. Meg Falcon
    Meg Falcon says:

    My 3 sons began attending a new school this year that requires the use of and therefore provides them with an iPad. Device useage has skyrocketed as a result, not just gaming, but also 99% of their social interaction, via IM, Instagram, FaceTime, and Snapchat (Lord, forbid you use a phone!). It’s going to be interesting to see all three of them go into withdrawal next June when they have to turn them back in.

  2. Chris
    Chris says:

    Yep, it’s now impossible to get schoolwork done w/o an electronic device. Overall, not an improvement, imo. It means kid is staring into a bright screen sometimes almost until bedtime (then teacher wonders why he’s tired next day); constant temptations to play a game, contact a friend, look at just one video…. Steam now has a popup that comes up on his computer telling him how many of his friends are online playing what games, while he is trying to get homework done. Great. Even the physical configuration of the laptop makes it easier for the kid to hide the distractions; I’ve been in classrooms while kids were happily watching videos on the computers the school provided while the teacher had no idea what was going on. Our son’s concentration and productivity were definitely much better when he used a print textbook, pencils, and paper, but those days are mostly gone. In addition, any time there’s any kind of power outage, software glitch, etc., the kid can’t access most of his work. I think the schools are actually creating problems for themselves in many ways by shifting so much to technology, but it’s a tidal wave that isn’t gonna stop.

  3. Dennishog
    Dennishog says:

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