
036: God's parental practical joke
Podcast Episode, Season 2God definitely has a great sense of humor as well as a penchant for practical jokery. In this episode, I look at one of His best jokes related to parenthood.

031: My top 9 best things about being gainfully unemployed
Podcast Episode, Season 1There are definite advantages to being gainfully unemployed if you look hard enough and make several of them up.

028: Casting the first fly — Indoctrination on the Bighorn River
Podcast Episode, Season 1This podcast tells the story of my first (and only, to date) fly-fishing expedition. An expert angler at an outdoor writers conference in 2016 was kind enough to take me fishing on the Bighorn River, near Billings, Montana. It was quite an adventure.

027: My Top 12 Reasons Why I Hate CrossFit, Version 2.0
Health and fitness, Lists, Podcast Episode, Season 1This is the podcast version of my most popular blog post to date, written seven years ago this month. I've updated it to reflect my current situation, but all the good stuff is still there. If you either love CrossFit, love to make fun of CrossFit, or just love to make fun of anything, you'll enjoy it.

019: Bigfooters — Don't Stop Believin'!
Podcast Episode, Season 1Bigfoot believers are eternal optimists in a cynical world. We like to believe in unbelievable things's fun. And life is too short.

018: The Top 10 things I'm offended, shocked, and/or outraged by 2.0
Podcast Episode, Season 1It seems that the way we're supposed to live in the 21st century is in a perpetual state of offense, shock, and outrage. So here are my pet peeves, mister!

013: Why "Jaws" is the greatest dad movie of my generation
Podcast Episode, Season 1In this podcast episode, I dig into what makes Steven Spielberg's astounding movie, "Jaws," a classic — for dads specifically, for me personally, and for the world at large.

012: My Top 10 truths about winter storms in the South
Podcast Episode, Season 1If you live in the South, you know that the phrase "winter storm" carries a much different meaning than it does in, say, Minnesota. Let's discuss.

008: The Curse of the Common Name
Podcast Episode, Season 1If you are blessed with a cool name — Gordon Lightfoot, Ernest Hemingway, or Tiger Woods, for example — life is all downhill the moment you're born and the world is your oyster. But try slugging through life when sharing the same dull name as every practically everybody else, like Mark Johnson. I've decided, however, to beat the system and become THE Mark Johnson.

004 - The Incredibly Weird Tooth Fairy
Podcast Episode, Season 1Somebody was seriously impaired or, at best, exercised poor judgement when they invented the Tooth Fairy. How this custom ever caught on is beyond me. Cash money for old, used teeth?? The heck?