
My Top 5 Reasons to Care About Correct Grammar
WritingLet me start by saying this: Nobody's perfect. We all make grammatical errors from time to time the same way we make mistakes in other areas of our life. I wish we all had personal copy editors, but we don't.
Even for a professional like…

My Top 6 Driving Idiots
Lists, ObservationsThe older I get, the more I realize that my own thoughts and experiences aren't as unique as I once believed. In fact, I've decided that most everybody thinks pretty much the same thoughts. All day long we're thinking the same stuff while we each think we're thinking different stuff. Know what I mean? With that in mind, I wondered if you have some of the same driving pet peeves as me. I bet you do. I know this because I suspect you're like me — a considerate driver whose goal is to navigate the human legion of ignoramuses each morning and evening without making a trip to the body shop or hospital. So in ascending order of malfeasance, here's my list of the Top 6 Driving Idiots.